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How to Build a Campfire With or Without Matches

Although many people think it's easy to build a campfire when out in nature, it's not as easy as it seems. Without matches, it's even more difficult to get a fire started. There are different several different ways to start a fire, and it's important for campers and outdoor enthusiasts to have a fire starter kit on hand. You can build a fire with our without matches, and it's important to know how to do it.  There are a few things you need to do to prepare and this article will reveal how to start a campfire, so you can cook food and enjoy warm nights by the fire. 

First, you need to check whether or not fires are allowed where you are camping. Essential items you must have available are water and a shovel. If the fire begins to get out of control, you will not be able to control it without these items nearby. If the area you are camping requires a fire pit, a fire ring should be built by placing rocks in a circle. In addition, tinder, kindling, and wood logs are key elements in a fire starting kit. Tinder materials consist of twigs, bark shavings, and dry grass. When ignited by a spark, tinder materials will quickly burn. Kindling items are a mixture of sticks, pieces of bark, and dead leaves. In order to catch fire, they should be dry and not too large. Wood logs act to keep the fire burning, and are the largest materials in the fire starting kit. Most importantly, the wood should be dry and not from freshly cut logs. 
Other well-known fire-starting methods do not require matches and can successfully create a fire without matchsticks with the best ferro rod. Potato chips and greasy crackers are proven fire starters. Items located around the house are great additions to a fire starter kit. Alcohol, hand sanitzers, and insect repellant are often used to build a campfire. However, flint and steel are the easiest ways to create a spark and start a fire if you don't have matches or a lighter with you. Striking the steel near the kindling and at an acute angle will get the job done! Lenses will work only if there it's light outside. A ball of tinder is placed beneath the lens. This will direct the sun's rays into the smallest area of the lens. The addition of water to the lens will intensify the light beam's focus. 

Knowing how to start a fire is an important skill. The best fire starter is only possible with the necessary tools and knowledge. The more you know, the better off you'll be out in the elements. The best thing you can do for yourself is to learn what resources are available to you and how to safely start a fire outdoors. Check out for more tips.

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